At FPI, we offer training centered around the use of a trauma-responsive approach to helping people build healthy relationships. Our trainings are applicable for:

  • BIP Facilitators
  • Victim Advocates
  • Educators
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Parole Officers
  • Court Service Officers
  • Social Workers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists and Counselors

FPI offers workshops available online and in-person. Current offerings include:

Facilitator Training Series - click each title to view a one-page flyer or register for an upcoming workshop here:

Level 1: The Art of Facilitation  

Level 2: The Affective Component

Level 3: Mastering the FPI Approach

FPI Online Academy - self-paced online courses:

       Trauma Histories Among Those Who Batter: What the Research Says - 2 CEs available

       Cracking the Code: Understanding the Different Motives of Those Who Batter - 4.5 CEs available

FPI staff and facilitators can also come to you! We offer a wide variety of topics that can be tailored to your group's needs. Popular topics include:

  • Cracking the Code: Understanding the Different Motives of Those Who Batter
  • A Trauma Responsive Approach to Domestic Violence Intervention
  • Understanding Trauma Through The River of Cruelty Model
  • Ethical Practice: Effective Victim Advocacy
  • Any training offered to the public (listed above) can be offered to your group privately