Steve Halley, LSCSWSteve Halley, LSCSW

The Battering Intervention Facilitator’s Tool Box

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Welcome to our blog. These posts share some of the many tried and true tools, skills, and techniques that the Family Peace Initiative has found to be valuable through the years. We hope that this Facilitator's Tool Box will become a resource for you in your own quest to be the best facilitator you can be. We will be adding new blog posts monthly. Enjoy!

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EVIDENCE: Finding our Core Beliefs

More on Battering Motive: The Survival-based Type 2

How Many Eggs in Your Basket? Working with the Survival-based Type 1 Motive

What Do You Believe About Those Who Batter

Going the Extra Mile Can Make a Big Difference

Getting Past the Police Report

You Have to Get in the Pool to Learn to Swim: Teaching Emotional Expression

A Conversation with Paul Bellan-Boyer: Getting Started and Getting Better in BIP

The Change Process With Daniel Adams

Skills Great Facilitators Have

WhoTook it Away From You?: Working to get our emotional expression back

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