The Educator’s Guide to The Youth Initiative - A Social Emotional Learning Experience
Our Youth Programming consists of social emotional learning in education settings for middle and high school students. FPI can facilitate group for your organization, or train your staff to facilitate. The essential components of our approach include:
The Youth Initiative Curriculum - For Justice-Involved Youth
Many justice-involved youth have experienced trauma. Our approach helps youth address trauma as well as accept accountability for the impact of their behaviors toward others. Youth develop foundational skills for healthy relationships and families in this program.
BIP Professional Facilitator's Guide
There is a special responsibility in providing a trauma-focused curriculum for battering intervention. Creating a process that engages and invites both participants and facilitators into self-examination without losing sight of those victimized by domestic violence is a challenge. Creating opportunities for those who have used violence to explore what has happened to them, without creating an excuse for what they have done to others is also critical.
FPI’s Justice-Involved women and Gender-Diverse Curriculum
This curriculum is gender-responsive and melds cognitive-behavioral and trauma-focused evidence-based strategies. In doing so, it offers a road map for both accountability and healing. This curriculum is designed to help justice-involved women and gender-diverse populations address their trauma and build skills needed for healthy relationships. This program can be used for community-based groups or in-facility programming. Used as an ongoing program, this curriculum has proven to help communities and facilities be safer and healthier. Click here for the full report.